Since 2007, the Zabalketa Association has been pursuing an educational strategy called "Zabaldu Mundura", which in Basque means “opening up to the world”, and involves linking the work we do within the fields of International Cooperation and Education for Development.

Through this strategy, and besides improving the situation in developing countries, we ensure that our projects in Cooperation for Development also become tools of awareness and education in the developed world.

To do so, we have incorporated sundry educational projects into the different levels of official education, such as, for example, learning based on practical cases, with these practical cases being the specific projects in Cooperation for Development that Zabalketa implements together with its local partners.

Zabalketa has so far undertaken six projects within this line: three located in Peru and another three in Bolivia, which contain a series of teaching resources in Basque, Spanish and Englishinvolving teaching units, videos, activity sheets, maps, and photos.

The methodology for using these materials in the classroom involves the “Case Method”, which consists in forming small groups of 4-5 students to analyse an issue, need or real vulnerability and present possible ways of resolving or improving it to the rest of the class so that they can be argued and discussed in the classroom.

This project located in Peru also presents its educational materials in Quechua, with the aim being to nurture the use of this language in the different social and educational ambits, as well as in diverse content and subjects.

At Zabalketa, we are applying this learning method mainly at Occupational Training Centres and Universities in Euskadi-The Basque Country, recording highly satisfactory results in the acquisition of knowledge and competencies.

This material, as well as the range of educational materials produced by Zabalketa, is available on its website in three languages. The tab “Credits” provides our contact details.